Wild Woman Wisdom: A Conversation with The Sensible Psychic
There’s been so much going on in the world that another perspective might be helpful. Judy Rae has a chat with psychic Cindy Grogan.
The Tiny House Movement (From Someone Living It)
Could you downsize to 100-400 square feet of home? Our writer has been living in a “tiny house” for years and shares her journey.
5 Surprising Health Benefits of Kindness
Acts of kindness — big or small — make you feel good for a reason. There are solid health benefits from doing nice things for others.
Wild Women Wisdom: Mama Mia! What Would Sophia Loren Do?
For Mother’s Day, we discuss one of the classic screen icons and what she shares in common with other moms.
5 Facts To Shift Your Idea Of Reality
Even if you’re not a science type, some of the discoveries being made in quantum physics will really expand your thinking (#userfriendly).