A Whole New Way of Breathing Better
It’s an automatic reflex — but consciously paying attention to your breath can significantly improve everything from sleep to digestion.
The Joys (and Healing) of “Laughter Yoga”
Why so serious? Hasya — or “laughter” – yoga brings some lightness to the practice. And there are specific health benefits, too.
Is The Way You Breathe Stressing You Out?
We do it without thinking. But some simple breathing techniques go a long way to calming nerves, worried minds and more.
Kundalini Yoga: What Is It (and Is It For You)?
Kundalini yoga offers distinct benefits over more “bend-y” types of yoga. That makes it an option for newbies who want to start a practice.
Take A Few Deep Breaths…Literally
We breathe automatically. But the ancient practice of “pranayama” can turn this reflex into a healing tool. Here are simple ways to start.