Heavy Petting: Therapeutic Touch for Companion Animals
Take the “petting” of your pup or kitty up a notch or three with these techniques. They’re good for calming, healing and other issues.
What Is “Tapping”? And How Can It Help You?
“Tapping” is an intriguing way to release old patterns and emotions from your body. It’s literally a “hands on” therapy you can do yourself.
Are Your Chakras Out of Whack? How to Balance ‘Em
Chakras are energy centers that impact our physical and mental health. Here’s a simple way to see if they need a tune-up.
Good Vibrations: Sound Baths for Better Health
Sound is powerful medicine. From uplifting music to Tibetan singing bowls, the right sounds can make you healthier on a cellular level.
How Reiki Healed Me –In More Ways Than One
A cancer diagnosis led this writer to discovering the powerful healing effects of Reiki, which he now uses to help others.