Why Less Is More: Exploring the Minimalist Lifestyle
Most of us have been conditioned to acquire more stuff and relentlessly pursue “success.” But a more pared-down life is a very hot trend.
Try Writing for Wellbeing (Even If You Don’t Know How)
Whether you try your hand at a poem or a gratitude journal, the act of writing your thoughts and feelings can have great health results.
I Listed 3 Things I Was Grateful For. This Happened.
The power of gratitude — even for small things — is profound. Our writer put it to the test. Here’s his report.
6 Easy Ways to Choose Gratitude
Little acts of “gratitude” during your day will have a profound effect on your health, your mood and moreover, your life. Some simple ways to practice it.
Why Good Cooks Lead Fulfilling Lives
There are some important Life Lessons that can be learned in a great kitchen. You get a good meal — with a side of philosophy thrown in.