“Routine” Vs. “Rut” — And How to Tell the Difference
These days, a steady routine can be grounding. But it’s all too easy to get stuck in a rut. Here’s how to suss out if you need a few changes.
The ABCs of the Tabata Workout
“Tabata” is a short, intense workout that’s gaining more fans each day. Here’s an introduction to the basics.
Make Yourself Happy by Making Others Happy
Helping someone else, even in small ways, is a surefire way to lift your own spirits. There’s real science behind it; we dig in.
Stoicism: It’s Deeper Than A Stiff Upper Lip
The ancient philosophy of stoicism isn’t about shutting down and keeping things tight; it’s actually very liberating.
Kundalini Yoga: What Is It (and Is It For You)?
Kundalini yoga offers distinct benefits over more “bend-y” types of yoga. That makes it an option for newbies who want to start a practice.